
§ 1 - Name, location, financial year

(1) The association bears the name European Association of Biblical Studies (abbreviated EABS). It is located in Münster and is listed in the register of associations at Münster District Court.

(2) The financial year is the calendar year.

§ 2 - Purpose

(1) The association’s purpose is to promote knowledge, research and education in academic biblical studies and its neighbouring fields in Europe and worldwide, and to stimulate and carry out joint initiatives between regional, national and international academic organizations and individual EABS members. The aims of the association are achieved in particular by:
1. holding an annual meeting for association members (see § 10);
2. organizing further conferences, meetings and workshops;
3. sending regular newsletters and running a website for the purposes of networking, communication and public relations;
4. producing scientific publications authored by members of the EABS in the context of activities of the association;
5. promoting and supporting young academics, e.g., by scholarships and grants.

(2) The association exclusively and directly pursues academic and non-profit-making activities within the meaning of the section “tax-privileged purposes” of the Tax Code. It is a non-profit-making organization. It does not pursue in the first instance its own financial gain.

(3) The association rejects any form of discrimination based on gender, ethnic and national origin, skin colour, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, or family status.

(4) The association is committed to observing generally accepted academic standards.

§ 3 - Membership

(1) Any natural or legal person with an interest in academic biblical studies and its neighbouring fields can become a member of the association within the framework of the association’s objectives.

(2) Admission to the association, which must be requested in writing, is decided on by the Committee. There is no legal right to admission.

(3) Obligations of members are to pay membership fees and to demonstrate loyalty to the association. The first requires members to pay the fees specified. The second requires members to promote the interests of the association and to refrain from behaviour that is detrimental to the association. Members are also expected to show a fundamental willingness to cooperate in the activities of the association.

(4) Members can only declare to the Committee their intention to leave the association in writing (§ 126 BGB), in electronic form (§ 126a BGB), or in text form (§ 126b BGB).

(5) The Committee may expel a member with a 2/3 majority of its members if the member a) acts in a way that grossly violates the reputation or the interests of the association, or b) has, despite warnings, two years’ arrears in membership fees. Before expulsion, the member has two weeks to state his or her case in writing.

§ 4 - Membership fee

(1) The membership fee is determined in advance by the meeting of members. Once determined, the annual fee is applicable until the passing of a new resolution.

(2) The membership fee is levied annually.

(3) Registered members pay during the year the fee for the whole year. Members are not due a refund if they leave the association or are expelled.

(4) The Committee is authorized to accept donations and grants to finance the activities of the association.

§ 5 - Committee

(1) The Committee is elected by the meeting of members. It usually comprises five members – the President, the Executive Officer (who also officiates as Deputy President), the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the Information Officer.

(2) Proposals for the election of the President may be made by the Committee or by any association member. The candidate proposed should be a respected and experienced person in academic biblical studies or its neighbouring fields. Nominations must be made so that the Committee can announce them to all members in the same form as the invitations at least ten calendar days before the meeting of members. Proposals for the election of the remaining Committee members may be made by the Committee or by any association member.

(3) The term of office of the President is three years, as is that of the remaining Committee members. The incoming President is elected one year before taking office, and is designated President-Elect. In the following year the President-Elect takes over the office of President during the Business Meeting without further election. Re-election of the President is only possible in exceptional cases. Re-election of the remaining Committee members is possible, but the terms of office of the President and other Committee members should not exceed six years in total.

(4) In accordance with § 26 Para. 1 BGB, the Committee comprises the President, the Executive Officer, the Secretary, the Information Officer, and the Treasurer. Each is entitled to sole representation of the association. The President determines the principle lines of activities of the association and represents the association. The Executive Officer, Secretary, Treasurer, and Information Officer lead the daily business of the association.

(5) If a Committee member leaves the Committee prematurely, the Committee may appoint a successor for the period of time until the next meeting of members. If several Committee members (i.e., more than one Committee member) leave the association at the same time, successors are elected for the period until the next regular meeting of members in an online poll that is made available to all members. The online poll is valid so long as all members are invited to vote in the proper manner and in time.

(6) The Committee may be extended by up to four additional members (extended Committee). Members of the extended Committee are proposed by the Committee, and elected by a simple majority by the meeting of members; their period of office as members of the extended Committee shall not exceed three years. A subsequent election as a member of the regular Committee is possible in accordance with § 5 Paras. 1-3.

(7) In addition, the Committee may appoint a student representative as a member of the extended Committee.

(8) The meeting of members may, if it has good reason, deselect Committee members at any time with a three-quarters majority of the valid votes submitted by those members entitled to vote, so long as the same meeting simultaneously carries out a new election (vote of no confidence). Deselection does not erase claims for damages arising from breach of liability, unless the meeting of members chooses to relieve the deselected Committee members of such claims. Deselection can also take place through an online poll made available to all members. The online poll is valid if all members are invited to vote in the proper manner and in time.

§ 6 – Meeting of members

(1) The Committee convenes the meeting of members once a year in writing or by e-mail within a period of three weeks, stating the agenda.

(2) An extraordinary meeting of members is to be convened if the Committee deems it necessary, or if 1/10 of members request this in writing, stating the agenda. Any properly convened meeting of members is quorum. Absent members may also exercise their right to vote through postal vote or equivalent electronic voting forms. The extraordinary meeting of members may also be held as an online meeting.

(3) The association regularly uses its website to communicate with its members.

(4) Communication between the organs of the association and its members is in English; insofar as this is necessary, correspondence is also in German.

§ 7 - Decisions

(1) The Committee has a quorum when the majority of its members are present.

(2) The organs of the association reach their decisions by a simple majority of the members present, if this statute determines no other majorities.

(3) The President is required to lead the meeting of members and the meetings of the Committee; when he or she is incapacitated, the Deputy President is required to do so.

(4) The organs of the association produce a protocol on the session; this protocol comprises the wording of significant formalities and any decisions taken, and is to be signed by the chair of the meeting and the secretary.

§ 8 - Association assets, use of profits, audit

(1) Association funds may only be used for statutory purposes. Members of the association receive no share of profits and no financial benefits from the association in their capacity as members of the association. A member who leaves the association has no claim to the association’s assets.

(2) No person may be favoured by expenditures that are alien to the purposes of the association, or by disproportionate remuneration.

(3) An expense allowance to cover costs actually incurred may be granted to the Committee or other representatives of the association, provided that the association has the necessary financial means to do so. There is no right to an expense allowance.

(4) The meeting of members elects two auditors for two fiscal years. They examine the accounts of the Committee and report to the meeting of members.

§ 9 – Statute amendment, dissolution

(1) The meeting of members may amend the statute with a majority of 2/3 of the votes cast, if an application has been announced to the members of the association with the wording of the amendment in the invitation to the meeting of members.

(2) The meeting of members may decide to dissolve the association under the same conditions. A resolution on dissolution should occur when the association’s objectives can no longer be achieved and the association has lost all academic significance.

(3) In case of dissolution, the meeting of members elects one or more liquidators. If two or more liquidators are elected, they act with common power of representation, unless the meeting of members issues sole powers of representation to all or some of the liquidators.

(4) In case of dissolution of the association, the meeting of members determines a legal person of public law or another tax-privileged body, which then uses the association’s assets within the meaning of the association’s purpose according to § 2.

(5) The same applies to suspension of the association, loss of its previous purpose, and discontinuance of its charitable status for the purposes of the Tax Code.

§ 10 - Annual meeting

(1) The association should hold an academic conference in Europe at least once a year to promote biblical studies. The Committee shall hereby take responsibility for invitations through interested institutions, cities or individuals.

(2) The core of the conferences are sessions or seminars organized by association members. The association shall encourage different forms of work.

(3) The Committee shall decide on the admission to the conference programme of sessions, seminars, and individual presentations.