Proposing and Renewing Research Groups, Workshops and Special Sessions

EABS invites proposals for research units and workshops for the 2024 Annual Conference in Sofia (Bulgaria). Research units run for three to five years, with the possibility of renewal. Workshops run only once. Workshops can be transformed into research groups following a successful meeting (if the proposal for a new research unit is accepted).   

The deadline for submitting proposals for new research units/ workshops/special sessions and the renewal documents for existing research units is 15th September 2023

If you do not know when your research unit is due for renewal please contact our Administration Assistant.


EABS Research Unit Policy

General Information

The EABS Annual Conference takes place in summer, usually in late July/early August. The conference begins with an evening opening session, and is then, over the three (or three and a half) subsequent days, divided up into sessions organised by research units. In addition, the local organising team and/or the committee may schedule plenary sessions on topics of interest to a broader range of biblical scholars. The conference ends with a closing event (e.g., concert and reception) in the evening of the last day.  

There are three types of EABS units:

  • Special sessions, which function as one-time events, devoted to a specific current issue/topic;

  • One-year workshops, which may also function as one-time events, but could be formed with a view to exploring the viability and interest in the topic; in the case of the latter, if successful, a workshop can be transformed into a research unit (submission of a new proposal is necessary);

  • Three-to-five-year research units, with the possibility of renewal(s).

Typically, research units are conceived of as pursuing a clearly defined research programme, and are expected to present a research plan to be accepted. It is recommended, and research unit chairs are encouraged, but not required, to hold open calls for papers, in order to allow scholars outside their own research circle to be involved. In order to allow more flexibility, sessions consisting of invited papers only are also allowed. Generally, collaboration between participants during the year is highly encouraged. Research units are also encouraged to publish the papers presented during the conference, possibly also including additional papers, in collective volumes or special journal issues.

One of the formative ideas behind EABS was to offer a platform for projects carried out in different parts of Europe (and the world), so that instead of organising a conference of their own, project members could meet as part of the EABS. Consequently, some of the research units, rather than beginning a new project, can function as outlets for presenting the results of research conducted in an already existing project.

The majority of sessions consist of papers of varying length, followed by discussion, whether after each individual paper, or a longer discussion at the end. Other formats, however, are also encouraged, including, but not limited to, panel discussions and book reviews.

Research units may choose not to meet in any particular year, but if they do not meet for two consecutive years, they will be removed from the list of current research units and archived, unless an explicit request is made to the Executive Officer. Archived groups may be re-activated through the same renewal process as applied to existing research units. An application to re-activate an archived group is to be submitted either by the former chairs or with their explicit permission.


Research Unit Chairs

Each of the research units is chaired by two to four people. These can be both junior and senior academics, but it is expected that there is at least one person with a doctoral degree in biblical studies or a related area among the chairs. Chairs need to provide evidence (by enclosing their CVs when submitting research unit proposals) of having relevant experience and expertise in a given research area. EABS strongly recommends that the chairs represent different institutions, regions, etc.

Chairs are responsible for the smooth running of the unit and the quality of research conducted in its context, including in particular the following:

  • timely posting of the current Call for Papers and other needed information or documents, as well as respecting all the other deadlines;

  • liaising with the EABS Committee, the Executive Officer and the Administration Assistant in particular; 

  • reviewing abstracts submitted to their unit and notifying their authors whether the abstract was accepted or rejected (as well as requiring revisions if deemed necessary);

  • the submission of the complete schedule of the session(s) of their unit planned for the given year to the Executive Officer;

  • all required communication with the speakers in preparation for the session(s) at the annual conference.

More details concerning the role and tasks of the chairs can be found in the Guidelines for Chairs. All the research unit chairs must be EABS members in good standing. If more than two or three members want to be involved in planning and organising the session(s) and the work of a given research unit, it is recommended that they form a steering committee. The EABS Committee should be notified but only chairs will be given administrative access to the research unit website. Any changes concerning research unit chairs are to be send to the Executive Officer ([email protected]) and need to be approved by the EABS Committee or the New Research Unit Review Sub-committee.

Proposing a New Research Unit

A call for new research units is published each year following the annual conference. The deadline for proposals is usually mid-autumn, except for the years when EABS is to meet jointly with SBL, when the deadlines are earlier (details are always posted on the website). Please note that for the 2024 conference the deadline is 15th September 2023.

The new research unit proposal should be formulated as follows (see also the template below):

  • Title

  • Chairs (min. 2, max. 4), incl. their names, institutional affiliations, e-mail addresses, and a brief statement explaining their relevant scholarship and expertise;

  • Running time (three to five years; once approved chairs cannot change the running time of the unit but can only submit a request to renew it when the unit is due for renewal) 

  • Keywords (max. 5)

  • Programme of the research unit (this is intended to be a short description of the project and will be posted on the EABS website): 100-200 words;

  • When a request is made to transform a workshop into a research unit, the reason for the request, including a short report of the results of the workshop and the importance and impact of its continuation are be included: max. 200 words;

  • Description of the planned research, including a research plan listing the topics to be addressed and (optionally) names of possible contributors; a statement on methodology if applicable; a statement on the importance and originality of the research unit’s topic, including comments on how it will advance the mission of the EABS, and how the proposed research will complement the research already being conducted at EABS: between 300-500 words for a workshop, 500-800 words for a Research Unit;

  • The text of the Call for Papers for the upcoming year.

The submission of original and/or experimental proposals fostering interdisciplinary approaches is especially encouraged. Please use the proposal template for applications. Completed proposal forms, accompanied by the CVs of the research unit chairs, should be sent to the [email protected]and will then be submitted to a peer-review process. Proposals may be accepted, rejected, and/or chairs may be requested to incorporate some comments and/or changes into their initial proposal.

Renewing a Research Unit

As stated above, research units are, as a rule, approved for the period of three to five years. If chairs plan to renew a unit, they are expected to submit to [email protected] their updated CVs as well as an extension request (using the attached proposal form) including the following:

  • Title

  • Chairs (min. 2, max. 4), incl. their names, institutional affiliations, e-mail addresses;

  • Keywords (max. 5)

  • Programme of the research unit (it can be the same as in the original request): 100-200 words;

  • Report of the research, and outcome of the work undertaken during the previous three to five years (depending on the runningtime of the unit): 300-500 words;

  • Description of the research planned for the coming years, including a research plan listing the topics to address and (optionally) names of possible contributors: 500-800 words;

  • The text of the Call for Papers for the upcoming year.

The proposal for renewing a research unit will be subject to a review-process. Proposals may be accepted, rejected, and/or chairs may be requested to incorporate some comments and/or changes into their initial proposal.